What is a liver flush?

A liver flush is a holistic method using a few simple ingredients such as oil and citrus juice to clean the body’s chief filter and restore bile flow. If you do it regularly it can restore not only the liver’s full function, but increase energy, improve immune and hormone function, reduce and eliminate pathogens and yeast, boost mental and emotional resilience and much more.


Your liver is an amazing organ that works alongside the colon and kidneys to detoxify your body. It is the body's primary storage and waste management system:

  • It filters the blood, detoxifying it of biologically active substances, including excess hormones, drugs, heavy metals and infectious organisms.

  • It synthesises important immune proteins that help modulate inflammation, defend against pathogens and regulate immune cells.

  • It releases bile so that fat and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K may be absorbed.

  • It converts stored glucose into functional glucose when needed

  • It destroys dead and unhealthy cells, and manufactures crucial immune factors.

  • It influences the body’s metabolism, playing a key role in thermal regulation and converting around a third of T4 thyroid hormone into active T3.

  • Bile acts as the digestive system’s detergent, cleansing the lower gastrointestinal tract, eliminating parasites, yeast and overgrowing bacteria which may be sapping your nutritional resources, lowering your defences, and depriving you of energy and wellbeing.

However, many things can compromise the effectiveness of this organ. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Chronic stress

  • Leaky gut/imbalanced gut flora

  • Oestrogen dominance

  • Alcohol or high-sugar diet, or excessive use of processed foods

  • Dehydration

  • Antibiotics and other drugs and toxic chemicals

  • Pregnancy or birth control use


Over time, performing a series of liver and gallbladder flushes cleans the many thousands of ducts in the biliary tree, restoring bile flow, digestion, balanced hormone function, better nervous system function and mental health, and deeper sleep.

Real intrahepatic liver sludge and biliary ‘stones’ made from bile acids , cholesterol, toxins, etc.

Detoxifying the liver and colon makes a profound difference to the way these organs function. When you eliminate toxins, pathogens, yeast, bacteria and heavy metals using these protocols, your body can begin to work as it should.